01. Introduction to AI and EHR

Introduction to AI and EHR

ND320 AIHCND C01 L00 A01 Introduction To AI And EHR V2

Introduction to AI in EHR and Instructor Michael D'Andrea

Michael is currently a Principal Data Scientist at Genentech, which is part of the Roche Group, where his work primarily focuses on supporting clinical trials for the Pharma Development Informatics division.

Before that, he was a Lead Data Scientist on the AI Team for McKesson’s
Change Healthcare, one of the largest EHR data processors in the United States. A quarter of US healthcare data went through Change Healthcare's systems and this is where Michael worked with datasets with hundreds of millions to billions of rows of claims data.


  • Two Master's degrees
    • Columbia
    • Cornell
  • Completed 3 Udacity Nanodegree programs!

Why does Michael work in this field?

  • Fighting to cure cancer
  • COVID 19 Pandemic
  • AI can bring better treatments diagnostics and with less bias
  • Create a less expensive, more accessible healthcare environment for patients



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Whatever your reasons are, I am happy to have you as part of this great endeavor. I believe that the impact that AI can bring to creating better treatments and diagnostics with less bias is immeasurable. Reducing bias is something that can affect us all by making treatments that are more representative of different demographic groups. AI’s ability to reduce costs and improve access to healthcare is just in its infancy and there are so many opportunities to make improvements. Let's get started!!